Buy DMT Vape Pen Australia

DMT pens for sale. Magic Mushroom Australia brings to you the all-new DMT vape Pen.

DMT Vapes Safety Use | DMT pens for sale

DMT pens for sale, they are powerful and should be handled with extreme care. Safety first when it comes to psychedelics. This is especially important when considering how easily one could be mistaken for cannabis or tobacco, if in the wrong hands. Always keep your DMT cartridge in a place where no one can access it without knowing exactly what they are getting themselves into. Keep your DMT cartridge separate from your cannabis and tobacco cartridges.

It is advised that you vape sitting down, with the option to lie down if necessary. DMT has overwhelming effects. Prepare yourself properly, in order to avoid falling or hitting your head. DMT Vape Cartridge For Sale Today

Buy DMT Vape pen for Sale Australia


  1. Shake Pen
  2. Exhale all of your air
  3. Inhale a large hit from the DMT pen
  4. Hold in the hit (the longer the better)
  5. Exhale

Once you are familiar with the effects of DMT, it is advised to add an additional hit immediately after exhaling to achieve a peak experience.

If, after shaking the pen and inhaling twice in a row, you still don’t reach the pinnacle level of a DMT high, it is likely you purchased your cartridge from a source that cuts the DMT too much with a blending agent. When this happens, you will still experience visuals and a plethora of fractals but you will not reach the out-of-body experience that should come with inhaling DMT smoke.

Shake it Up | Buy DMT Vape Pen and Cartridges Online Australia

Many users have reported that shaking the pen prior to vaping the DMT helps significantly. Vape cartridges are popping up all over the world but from widely sourced anecdotal evidence, DMT seems to slightly separate in the cartridge from the mixing agent that is used. Vigorously shaking the cartridge for about 30 seconds has proven time and again to be incredibly effective.

Upon interviewing users, we heard a first hand account further supporting this theory. One user recounted a story where he used the first cartridge he purchased without first substantially shaking it. For the first three-quarters of the cartridge, the vape experience was hit-or-miss. However, once the cartridge was down to the last of the DMT, the vape experiences became almost too strong. In fact, the DMT was so strong the user passed out. He then chose to try it again, only to have the same blackout experience. The user came to the conclusion that this experience is possibly the result of vaping the concentrated product that was left at the bottom of the unshaken cartridge. This supports the assumption that the beginning hits had smaller amounts of actual DMT, due to the DMT and mixing agent being separated.

Set and Setting | DMT pens for sale

The experience above is one example of why set and setting are important. Check out our guide to Harm Reduction for more information on how to navigate a psychedelic DMT experience safely.

DMT should only be inhaled in a comfortable, safe environment. Many prefer no background noise, no talking, just stillness and silence. Others enjoy listening to music. DMT ceremonies have grown in popularity as well. These ceremonies are reportedly beneficial for growth in one’s personal life, including relationships. DMT ceremonies are organized underground and can be found through word of mouth.

Because DMT vape cartridges are so easily accessible, the birth of this new device has taken DMT to a more casual level of use, creating some controversy in the partaking community. There are strong beliefs that DMT should not be used recreationally, and instead reserved only for spiritual and emotional healing.

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